Air Freight

The air freight system in China is one of the advanced and important freight systems that provides the customer with effective options for importing from them. And the importance of air freight emerges not only from the shortening of the arrival time, but also from the fact that the service is effective for different quantities and sizes and at relatively competitive and appropriate costs from other countries in the world. And China airports have been equipped with modern freight systems and advanced technologies that have helped a lot in the growth of this sector in recent years. Pioneers of progress in China have provided air freight solutions that meet the requirements and business needs of all kinds and different shipments across many international airlines, from the receipt of the shipment from the factory to delivery in the customer’s country hand in hand, which is delivery, shipment, turn to turn.

We also provide accurate preparation of documents related to freight, customs clearance, and a comprehensive arrangement for cargo and cargo insurance.

Why pioneers of progress in air freight ?

Our services cover all major international airports around the world, and we rely on that to choose the appropriate cargo airlines to transport goods in record time wherever you are and with our distinguished service offerings and good prices, and we provide easy services in completing the necessary procedures for shipping, comprehensive insurance on goods, customs clearance and safe delivery to them, via Air freight, where the speed is super fast than other shipping methods, we provide you with urgent transportation services, and transportation is directly to the recipient, usually the air carrier is the airlines that allocate a section for the air freight of goods. Dedicated cargo aircraft. We are fully aware of the importance of obtaining properly and efficient logistics services in air freight, which is reflected in the growth and development of commercial companies and projects in light of current market challenges and competition.

What are the pioneers of progress in air freight ?

  • The pioneers of progress in China provide door to door shipping solutions or door to airport shipping service.
  • We finalize most of the necessary documents from customs and permit to export or import in China.
  • We select airlines that are suitable for transporting goods and special cargo in the shortest time.
  • Providing insurance service for air shipments, according to the client’s request
  • We always strive to achieve your requirements in shipping by reducing time and costs.
  • Providing the best logistics services to all countries of the world, within quality, speed and best cost.
  • Providing the best storage services and assembling your purchases in our warehouse with the ability to prepare the necessary documents to start the shipping process to your destination to various countries of the world.

Among our tasks in the commercial brokerage service:

  • Providing quotations for various products and industries while providing complete information about the product.
  • Accompanying the customer and translating from Arabic or English into Chinese on commercial tours to companies and factories Providing transportation for transportation during the trade tour for companies and factories in China.
  • Follow up on orders and purchases and from the supplier or factory
  • Inspect and receive orders from the supplier or manufacturer and ensure that they are well packed and the product is safe
  • Prepare the necessary documents for export and send it to the importing customer after the shipment ends.
  • Provide appropriate shipping options in terms of time and price through our company.

Stages of providing commercial brokerage service:

The contract is made between the importing customer and the manufacturer in China and clarifying the tasks of the Progress Pioneers Company and its role as a commercial intermediary that provides all the services mentioned previously, and the percentage of what the progress pioneers receive in return for providing their commercial services, which is calculated as a percentage of the total value of purchases.

Product search service and bidding :

We provide search service and provide a quote for any product, where the customer provides us with the required product specifications for our team to search for the product and provide the customer with a report containing the following: The product cost from each supplier does not include the shipping value, and an approximate value for international shipping. Some notes on products and suppliers if any .

Service cost:

The search service cost per product is RMB 500, not refundable if not purchased (Noting that some products that contain specific and precise specifications and details may require additional fees, and the customer will be informed about this before starting the search). If the customer agrees to order the products mentioned in the quotation, they will be deducted from the commission of the order. Note that the commission of orders is from 5% to 10% depending on the type of product and the required steps, for example some products require visiting factories located in different cities in China The duration of the offer is from 6 to 10 days, depending on the product .


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